3D Zoetrope Merry Christmas Greeting by 360Fossil

The 3D Zoetrope theme is designed for Seasons Greetings this time.

The theme shows the young girls squatting to the musical rhythm and magically clapped her hands together to change Merry to XMAS completing the Merry XMAS wishes in plurality.  The color of the platform is corresponding to the Christmas tree and the decoration balls on it. This is a reusable model for displaying any meaningful 2 words expression. Since its already a 3D model, it can be 3D printed and bring to life physically by the suite of customize 360Fossil 3D Zoetropes. Another use is for displaying company Name.

Watch out for the New year theme, as this basic setup will be used again.

Introduction to Instant 3D animation with 3DSpin

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